1400 Job Descriptions
The Board of Control recognizes that it is essential for Agency and employee accountability for each staff member to be fully aware of the duties and responsibilities of his/her position. Job descriptions document and describe the essential functions for professional staff positions and thereby promote organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, the Agency Administrator shall maintain a current, comprehensive, and coordinated set of job descriptions for professional staff positions.
As long as the provisions of the job description(s) are not inconsistent with Board policies, or with Federal/State law, they will be considered to be an extension of the policy manual and binding upon all employees.
Employees will be evaluated, at least in part, against their job descriptions. Job descriptions shall be brief, factual, and, wherever possible, generically descriptive of similar jobs.
From time-to-time, the Board further recognizes that the Agency Administrator may find it necessary to revise job descriptions.
Following the revision of a job description, staff members who hold the positions for which the essential functions are described in that revised job description shall be provided access to the updated version and the opportunity to discuss the revisions therein with their immediate supervisor.
Adopted 4/4/2013