0160 Meetings

0161 Parliamentary Authority

The parliamentary authority governing the Board of Control shall be Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, as defined in Chapter XVI, "Boards and Committees" in all cases in which it is not inconsistent with statute, administrative code, or these bylaws, or the rules of order of this Board.

Adopted 4/4/2013

0162 Quorum

Six (6) members shall constitute a quorum. In the event there is not a quorum at a regularly scheduled board of control meeting, a sub-committee of at least three (3) board of control members can approve payroll and vouchers, approve individual staff contract additions, and accept contract resignations.

Adopted 4/4/2013

0164.1 Regular Meetings

The regular meeting date shall be determined at the organizational meeting following the Annual Convention. Meetings are held at the CESA 5 Office unless otherwise agreed upon at a prior meeting. Meetings will not be held in July or December unless deemed necessary. Administration is authorized to pay necessary bills, accept staff resignations, and maintain existing staff if deemed essential to the operation of the Agency. All such action shall be reviewed at the subsequent meeting.

If, for any reason, a regularly scheduled Board of Control meeting must be cancelled, it may be rescheduled via telephone conference call.

0164.2 Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairperson and Secretary or by the written request of any member of the Board, if seven (7) members acknowledge availability to attend.

Adopted 4/4/2013

0165 Notice

All meetings of the Board shall be noticed as provided as required in Wis. Stat. 19.84 by the Agency Administrator or designee. Notice of meetings containing the time, place, and subject matter will be sent to a newspaper in both the northern and southern portions of the CESA 5 region and to CESA 5 school district administrators. The notice shall also be physically posted near the entrance of the CESA 5 office and available on the CESA 5 website. Telephone participation by Board members is allowed as long as public participation is assured.

Wis. Stat. 19.84

Adopted 4/4/2013

Revised 9/12/2019

0166 Agenda

The agenda shall be prepared by the Agency Administrator. Board members desiring to have specific agenda items included on the agenda must submit those items to the Agency Administrator no later than one week prior to the meeting.

Adopted 4/4/2013

0167.1 Voting

No act shall be valid unless approved at a meeting of the Board by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting, unless otherwise required by law, and a proper record made of the vote. Meetings of the Board shall be public and no person shall be excluded therefrom.

Any Board member's decision to abstain shall be recorded and be deemed to acquiesce in the action taken by the majority. In situations in which there is a tie vote and the abstention represents the deciding vote, the motion shall fail for lack of a majority.

All actions requiring a vote may be conducted by voice or roll call provided that the vote of each member be recorded. Proxy voting shall not be permitted. Any member may request that the Board be polled.

Any member of the Board may designate an alternate to audit any meeting, but such alternate shall not have voting power.

Adopted 4/4/2013

0167.2 Closed Session

Executive sessions shall be held only in accordance with the Wisconsin laws governing such ses­sions.

Wis. Stat. 19.81-97

Adopted 4/4/2013

0167.3 Public Participation at Board Meeting

The Board of Control recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on Agency matters. The Board may limit public comments to three (3) minutes. Repetitive comments may also be limited.

Adopted 4/4/2013

0168 Minutes

A. The minutes of each meeting shall be recorded by the Secre­tary and/or designee. The Secretary and/or desig­nee shall provide a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to all Board of Control members in CESA 5 prior to each scheduled meeting.

B. Motions and roll call votes of each meeting shall be re­corded, preserved, and open to public inspection to the extent pre­scribed in Wisconsin Statute 19.21.

C. Copies of minutes of Board of Control meetings shall be sent to all CESA 5 school district administrators and be available on the CESA 5 website.

Wisconsin Statute 19.21

Adopted 4/4/2013

Revised 9/12/2019