3125 Alternative Worksite
CESA 5 recognizes the benefits of an employer-sanctioned work arrangement for selected employees to perform some of their work at an alternate site away from their primary office location.
Alternative worksite arrangements contribute to the Agency’s goals while maintaining or improving program efficiency, productivity, service and benefits. It is also intended to achieve cost-effectiveness for the Agency and enhance the recruitment and retention of employees.
Participation in this program is subject to prior written approval of the employee’s supervisor and the Agency Administrator. Requests to use an alternative work site may be denied for any or no reason.
The following will be considered when assessing whether a particular job or specific assignment is suitable for telework:
- Results of alternative worksite assignments are clearly defined and monitored by the supervisor; as well as documented by the employee when documentation is requested by the supervisor;
- The employee’s alternative worksite location is capable of accessing necessary resources (internet, telephone, equipment, etc.) to complete tasks without any support from the Agency;
- Work can be sent to/from the employee’s alternative worksite with ease, speed, security, and confidentiality;
- Employees must store electronic data on systems capable of backup as directed by the Agency;
- An Agency approved electronic work calendar which is accessible by the Agency must be maintained at all times.
While working at the approved alternative worksite, employees must be available for communication with co-workers, supervisors, and those we serve regarding job-related matters. Alternative worksites may be discontinued or altered by the Agency at any time for any or no reason. Alternative worksites must abide by all Agency rules and standards of conduct while working at alternative worksites.
The Agency will not be responsible for any operating costs associated with the teleworker using his/her home as an alternate worksite nor will the Agency provide counsel on personal tax issues. The teleworker otherwise does not relinquish any entitlement to reimbursement for authorized expenses while conducting business for the Agency.
Cross Ref.: Alternate Worksite Request Form (Attached below as a PDF)
Adopted 4/4/2013