3120.2 Consulting Outside the Agency
Occasionally, staff members are asked to perform consultant services for an outside organization, including CESA 5 member school districts, during the regular contract year. Any staff member who wishes to perform such consultant services shall make a specific request to the Agency Administrator for approval. Approval shall be at the discretion of the Agency Administrator.
Approved requests should have no more than a minimal effect upon the requester’s employment at CESA 5 and upon CESA 5’s ability to provide services to customers. Only in unique circumstances, as defined by the Agency, shall a request be approved if the request falls within the scope of a staff member’s expected duties to any CESA 5 customer, regardless of whether doing so would be as an employee, advisor, independent contractor, or in another representative capacity.
Adopted 4/4/2013
Revised 6/2/2022