0130 Functions
0131.1 Board Policy Adoption
All policies and/or policy changes shall be read without amendment at two successive Board of Control meetings. All board members shall have a written copy of the proposed policy, or policy changes, prior to the first reading.
The second reading of the policy may be waived if three-fourths of the board members in attendance vote to do so.
The Agency Administrator is authorized to review and make technical corrections to policies that have already been adopted through normal rulemaking procedures. Technical corrections are those corrections to policy language or construction that do not reflect a policy decision or substantive consideration by the Board, such as correction of a typographical or grammatical error, inclusion or correction of a statutory citation, inclusion or correction of contact information, or renumbering of sections. The Agency Administrator shall inform the Board of any such changes in writing.
Adopted 4/4/2013
Revision 8/6/2020