Notice to CESA 5 Employees

* This notice (to employees) and subsequent acknowledgement (to CESA 5) is provided electronically at the start of each school year.


I hereby acknowledge that I have received access to the CESA 5 policies located at

My signature indicates that I agree to read the CESA 5 policies and abide by the standards, policies, and procedures defined or referenced in this document. I am also aware that additional regulations may be contained within other CESA 5 internal documents and handbooks.

I understand that CESA 5 policies are subject to change and that I have the ability to reference the policies online at any time. As CESA 5 updates policy information, I accept responsibility for reading and abiding by the changes.

I understand that the CESA 5 policies or other internal documents or handbooks do not constitute an employment contract and does not confer a property interest in my continued employment with CESA 5 beyond the term of my current contract (if any). I also accept responsibility for contacting my supervisor if I have any questions, concerns, or need further explanation.