3416 Unused Sick Day Leave Retirement Benefit
At retirement, an employee will be paid for unused sick days (with a maximum of 60) at the employee’s rate of pay at retirement if they meet the following eligibility requirements:
1. Employee must have worked at CESA 5 at least fifteen (15) years with a minimum of seven consecutive years occurring immediately prior to retirement.
2. Employee must have reached age 55.
3. The employee must retire from CESA 5.
4. The employee must notify the Agency Administrator by December 1 of the calendar year prior to the retirement with a minimum of six (6) months advance notice required.
5. In the event that the employee leaves employment due to an extenuating circumstance, e.g., termination of a grant, the Board of Control will review on a case-by-case basis.
The CESA 5 Business Office shall determine a list of approved plans and procedures for the accrued sick leave proceeds will be deposited.
Adopted 4/4/2013
Revised 9/12/2019