0150 Organization

0151 Annual Convention

The Board of Control shall hold an Annual Convention on the first Thursday after the second Monday in May, unless at the direction of the Convention, authorization is given to the Board of Control to set the Convention date. In any case, the annual Convention may not be held prior to the second Monday in May. The meeting shall be called to order by the Chairperson of the preceding Board who shall serve as presiding officer until the election of a President.

116.02 Wis. Stats

Adopted 4/4/2013

0152 Officers

The officers are Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. The agency administrator is the secretary by Wis. Stat. 116.03(7). Officers shall be elected annually at the reorganization meeting following the Annual Convention. Whenever more than one board member is nominated for an office, the election shall follow the open meeting law provisions.

Wis. Stat. 116.03(7)

Wis. Stat. 19.88(1)(2)(3)

Adopted 4/4/2013

0155 Committees

Committees of the Board shall, when specifically charged to do so by the Board, conduct studies, make recommendations to the Board, and act in an advisory capacity, but shall not act on behalf of the Board.

Adopted 4/4/2013