3120 Employment of Professional Staff
The Board of Control recognizes that it is vital to the successful operation of the Agency that positions be filled with highly-qualified and competent personnel. The Board shall approve the employment, fix the compensation, and establish the term of employment for each professional staff member employed by this Agency. Such approval shall be given only to those candidates for employment recommended by the Agency Administrator.
The employment of professional staff members prior to approval by the Board is authorized when their employment is required to maintain continuity in the program. Employment shall be recommended to the Board at the next regular meeting. Any professional staff member's intentional misstatement of fact material to his/her qualifications for employment or the determination of salary shall be considered by this Board to constitute grounds for dismissal.
The Agency will conduct appropriate background checks on final candidates as part of the hiring process.
Any person who signs a contract to teach in the Agency must, within ten (10) work days after signing the contract, file a copy of his/her valid, position appropriate licensure with the Agency.
Adopted 4/4/2013