3400 Staff Salaries
Salaries for new employees will be determined based on the employee’s position and other factors, including but not limited to, educational attainment, training, experience, funding availability, and job requirements. Any increase in the salary of current employees will be determined annually by the Board of Control.
From time to time, the Agency may evaluate the salary levels of employees as compared to staff who work in comparable work environments and locations (such as other CESAs). Factors that may be considered are the employee’s performance, position and other factors, including but not limited to, educational attainment, training, experience, funding availability, and job requirements. Recommendations for changes to the salary of staff will be made to the Board of Control as appropriate.
Individuals beginning employment with CESA 5 on February 1 or later will maintain their initial salary/wage through the following fiscal year. The Board may waive this restriction based on the recommendation of the Agency Administrator.
Adopted 4/4/2013
Revised 6/4/2015