7540 Acceptable Use Policy

CESA 5 provides its employees with technology, including computer software, scanners, printers, fax machines, email, Internet, telephone, voice mail and other methods of electronic communication. This technology has the limited purpose of supporting the mission of CESA 5. The Agency encourages its employees to use this technology to communicate with others and to access the wide-range of information both within Agency resources and external resources. This policy, as well as any administrative guidelines developed pursuant to it, are intended to establish a framework for the proper use of agency technology resources.

Employees are further encouraged to enhance their productivity and upgrade their work skills through appropriate use of the network. The network will also assist them in communicating with school districts, school administrators, parents, teachers, peers and other agencies as may be required by the duties of their position with CESA 5. CESA 5 expects all employees to use the technology systems in a responsible manner and reserves the right to restrict or revoke any employee’s authorization for use and access to these systems at any time, for any reason.

Appropriate Usage

CESA 5 technology, as well as its electronic communication systems and equipment, are provided for the purpose of conducting the business of the Agency. Employees may use this equipment for the purposes of CESA 5 business and to carry out the duties of their employment at CESA 5. Personal use of CESA 5 electronic communication equipment and technology should be limited to a level of reasonable use so that does not violate this policy, interfere with the employee’s performance of his

or her duties, interfere with or offend other employees, or disrupt the operation of CESA 5. Employees will use the technology for purposes related to the Agency’s mission and will not attempt to extend their use beyond their authorized limits of access nor attempt to disrupt the network’s performance or destroy data. The employee is responsible for the use of each assigned account and shall take reasonable precautions to prevent others from using them.

No Expectation of Privacy

CESA 5 electronic equipment, communication system, and other issued technology are solely the property of CESA 5. All electronic communications transmitted by, received from, or stored in or on CESA 5 electronic equipment, communications system, or computer resources are owned by CESA 5. Employees have no expectation of privacy with regard to the utilization of the equipment, or the information, messages, files, and any other data contained thereon. CESA 5 may access, search, monitor, and/or disclose any communications at any time without prior notice being given.

Additionally, all email, voice,and video messages are the property of CESA 5. Nothing residing in an employee’s computer equipment system, or files, CESA 5 email system, the employee’s voice mailbox, or other equipment will be deemed personal, private or confidential. Data or information residing in or on such equipment may be subject to the Wisconsin Public Records law depending up on the nature of the information. Additionally, one must be mindful that such information may be discoverable in legal actions.

CESA 5 employees will use reasonable efforts to maintain the operating condition of Agency computer equipment and software. Employees will report immediately, any suspected or known problems with regard to the technology equipment, to the Technology Department.

Prohibited Uses

The following uses of CESA 5 technology and electronic communications are strictly prohibited:

- Use of email, voice mail, or other aspect of CESA 5 electronic communication system in a manner that could be disruptive, offensive or harmful to CESA 5, CESA 5

employees, vendors, contractors, customers or other third parties.

- Downloading, displays, viewing, accessing, retrieving, storage and/or transmission of sexually offensive text or images or otherwise offensive images, documents, cartoons,

messages, ethnic slurs, racial epithets, or anything that may be construed as threatening,harassing or intimidating to others based on their gender, race, national origin, age,

disability, religion, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by applicable law.

- Excessive use of CESA 5 electronic communication systems for personal recreation, but not limited to playing games, internet browsing, on-line shopping or trading, or conducting a personal business unrelated to the business of CESA 5.

- Use for commercial purposes not related to Agency business.

- Solicitation of other employees, customers, vendors or third parties for commercial purposes, lobbying, political causes, sending pornographic or harassing materials, participation in illegal activities, outside organizations, unrelated to the business of CESA 5, or other non-job related purposes.

- Illegal activities, including but not limited to gambling or transmitting/trafficking in pornography.

- Unauthorized accessing or attempting to access, or transmittal of records or confidential CESA 5 information such as personnel records, pupil records, medical records or financial information regarding any of its employees.

- Accessing, or attempting to access, another’s password, data, messages or other information without permission.

CESA 5 will comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-5 54 and 47U.S.C.54(h)].

Cross Ref.: 7540.6 Electronic Communications

Adopted 4/4/2013